Wednesday, February 24, 2010

HEy Im Here! I'm Blogging!!!


  1. Is it really you? I just found out about you yesterday while surfing the net and think that your art is so cool and colorful and funky. So then when I was showing your work to my son we looked on a site selling your posters and realized that I have an oil painting practically copying Acapolco One hanging on my living room wall! I bought it several yrs. ago in Saratoga Springs, NY unframed and had no idea who the artist was. I fear now it was a knock-off but does appear to be signed by another name. It was very weird. But I could tell that I like your stuff and plan on buying your book with the beautiful collages. Happy to have "found" you.

  2. Rex! I just checked in to see if you had updated your website and, wow, you have! I love it. Hope to hear about your new work soon and hope you're doing well. Take care!

    - Chris

  3. hi rex really great work i just make a carpet design for you in india i relly enjoy make those design

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